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My "New" Dietary Preferences

Some updates on items I've reduced from my diet that have helped me SO much.

I decided that I would share about this enough so I might as well ‘write a blog about it.’ So here it is, my dietary preferences. I have always participated in a cleanse called ‘Shred10’ which is a campaign created by Juice Plus to ‘shred out’ things from our diet to reset our bodies.  

I myself would do the shred about every other month, then I would slowly ease back into my foodie life of eating noodles and cocktails. It wasn’t until January of this year, I had a wedding coming up that I was in the bridal party of, so instead of doing the Shred just for the standard 10 days, I decided to do 14 days. It was a bit challenging at first, but once I found alternatives and meals that I got good at making (aka salad varieties that are delicious) it became less difficult. 

allyson eating a pretzel
Eating Bradenton's finest Pretzel from Peachy's

Even once it had ended, I didn’t find myself diving back into drinking and eating things that were not in line with my Shred, and when I did it wasn’t very satisfying as it had been. So I told myself, ‘let’s see how long this thing can last,’ 2 months later, and here we are!

Let me list out my top 3-4 things I’ve heavily reduced from my diet:

  • Alcohol
  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • Caffeine

Now, notice how I said REDUCE because I don’t want to seem as if I haven’t eaten some cheese or had some wine because I have! But I will say it hits different now. I definitely crave more greens than ever before, I also crave that ‘light’ feeling after having a meal, you’re satisfied and don’t have to nap afterward, if anything you have more energy! I’ve been really loving it.

Something else that has taken place since my decision to continue these ‘dietary preferences’ is healthy weight loss. It may not have seemed so, but I had been feeling EXTREMELY unhealthy with my body. All of my clothes didn’t fit right, I was a lot more tired, I just didn’t enjoy myself.  I was approaching over 160 lbs which were closer to the ‘overweight’ BMI category than I wanted to be. I don’t have a number goal in mind, and I am definitely not trying to weigh myself all the time. But little by little throughout this process I have seen myself go to 159…158…155… and seeing myself get back to a healthy weight bracket has been super encouraging!

Part of the Shred also calls for more exercising, so my take on that is walking around my neighborhood every morning. The distance varies but the consistency is what’s best! I also carry around with me a 40 oz. water bottle, when it’s ‘shredding time’ I try to down 2 full ones of those in a day and it is TOUGH. But at least I try! 

Some new food items I’ve been enjoying since this change:

salad of spinach carrots red pepper and cilantro

So if you see me eating more at home or ordering more gluten-free & dairy-free dishes, this is why! Of course, I will still splurge on some guilty pleasures once or twice, but I have a preeeetty good thing going for my body/skin/mind right now so I’m gonna keep sticking to it. 

Ttys! 👋🏻


Made with love and intention by Kyle Wilson. © 2024